Sunday 12 January 2014

Vadim Steim

Vadim Steim

Vadim Stein was one of the influences towards the fashion groups project. Stein previously worked as an actor and lighting designer, prior to that he also completed an education in sculpture - you can see a lot of this come through his work. I would like to really focus on this idea of the statue, the strong compositions that a body can create. I plan to look into 19th century sculptures and on wards, along with paintings of portraits from the 17th century on wards. 
I exhibited my work from 'photo shoot 1' and interestingly a lot of the feedback I got was that at first glance the viewer thought it was a painting and the more they looked the more it drew them in, where they finally realized it was actually a photograph. This is a concept I would like to thoroughly focus on - looking into other mediums than photography is something I feel will really help my ideas.

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