Monday 13 January 2014

14th - 19th Century Paintings

14th - 19th Century Paintings

The image above was created by Petrus Christus and is called 'A portrait of a young girl'.  It was known to be one of the first portraits which possessed a three dimensional feel to the surroundings. The girls expression is full of complexity, gazing at the viewer.
15th Century portraits (image above and below)
This image below was painted by Rogier Van der weyden who moved portraiture towards a more naturalistic expression rather than an idealized one.

16th Century portrait (below) - created by Titian in 1536, as in the style of High Renaissance. I love the composition of the woman, the way she elegantly holds the material that wraps around her. I'm also focusing a lot on the tones and the soft colouring in the painting. I would like to edit my images and try and get these soft tones in my images. I may need to use an overlaying technique in order to create depth in my images. 

17th Century Portraits (below) - portrait of Beatrice Cenci by an Italian painter, Elisabetta Sirani.

18th Century Portrait (below) - A painting of Mrs James Denham by Sir Thomas Lawrence. I love way this is mainly white - there's actually quite a contemporary feel about the image, through the lack of colours. 

19th Century Portraits -  Italian style portraits painted by Giovanni Boldini. I love the way the material has been painted in these images, the way the material elegantly wraps around the women's body. 

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