Sunday 26 January 2014

Egyptian Influenced Photo Shoot 4

Egypt Influenced Photo Shoot

I'm beginning to think about the idea of taking influences from different cultures and re creating them through fabric and the make-up and hair. I found a blog called 'Fashion Source Book', which speaks about the way Egyptian clothing was worn. In comparison to the historical references it gives, it also gives a contemporary example from a recent catwalk. Below is examples of some Egyptian art which I would like to draw reference to in terms of the material and possibly jewelry I could use.


This is the contemporary example Fashion source book gives, it is influenced from  ancient Egyptian clothing.  I would like to study further into the materials they would use and think about how I could use it as influence towards my ideas. 

For this shoot (Monday 27th January) I plan to photograph Magda Marzec in the studio. I want to use influences from Egyptian culture and style by using the white material I have and experimenting with what I can create from it. My nail artist, Emily Putman will be using Ciate, colourfoil to create metallic texture to the nails. This is important as  my aim is to photograph detail and the texture within the image, from the material used down to the the nails and make up. I will be using the same material as the previous shoot but will be using the black backdrop and hope to create strong contrasts. Going back to the idea of taking influences from Egyptian cultures, I hope to experiment in different ways of using the material.


Here are some images from the prep of the nails for tomorrow. 

Make Up Ideas

I would like the make up to be subtle and not too obvious, to avoid it from looking unprofessional. It is a complete experiment, it could go really well or if could go completely wrong. I love the way the eyeliner has been done here, it goes against the actual eye line, therefore exaggerating the eyes.  

I love this make up but it is something I would have to do on my next shoot if this goes successfully. Here are some more images I found for ideas:


Make-up - Lauren Mustoe 
Model - Magda Marzec

Final Images

This was a good experiment in ways I can use the material through cultural influences. It is not the route I am taking anymore as I have found a structure to work with through the four elements  - Water, Fire, Air and Fire. Although I have taken a different route I definitely do not feel like I have wasted my time shooting this, it was good fun and I feel they have come out aesthetically beautiful - the tones, contrast, compositions, and make-up.  

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