Monday 13 January 2014

Greek Art

Greek Art

After looking at Vadim Stein and seeing that his education in sculpture came through his work, I've decided to look into some sculpture work myself. Statues have a huge element of structure and power to them and the people who are depicted always hold a strong stance. 

This is very relative to Edward Weston's work on Formalism, his work is based around natural objects and women body's - it is said that he "revolutionized the form" (Sean O'Hagan). 
He brought photography out of the victorian age by photographing the simple and turning it into somehing beautiful - to make the simple unusual. He would photograph even the smallest objects that somebody could easily look past, such as sea shells and photographed them in such a beautiful tonal quality that they were turned into something quite "mystical and erotic" (A vintage print of one of his seashells, Nautilus, 1927, sold for $1,082,500 at Sotheby's New York In April). 

To me when you compare this image by Edward Weston above and the image of this sculpture below there's similar aesthetics to both images. After placing the the sculpture below the image of the pepper, to me it has transformed her body into an abstract form.


This image really caught my eye in terms of the material, contrast and tones in the image. Considering it's female, there is something quite overpowering about the way she is gazing at this object she holds. 

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