Sunday 12 January 2014

Photo Shoot 2

Photo Shoot 2 - Collaboration with fashion students

In relation to my previous project I was asked to photograph a shoot for a group of fashion students, where they were using material and .Their concept was based around body image and how the media places pressures on women. They got three different models of different sizes - all who were happy to be photographed. The fabric was to symbolize the media as it wraps around the bodies, whilst the models push against the fabric. The lighting I used was to thoroughly highlight the material, I used one soft box which I lit from the left of the model, this created shadows on where the creases were made.

This was my favourite image, I feel as though it is aesthetically appealing with the tones, lighting and composition of the model. The shadows that have cast onto her body I feel are beautiful, and the shadows have done exactly what I planned in highlighting the material. I plan to do a lot more research into other photographers in order to expand this project and to experiment. I plan to look into formalism, by looking at Edward Weston, Olivia Parker and Man Ray. Another aspect that I hope to develop in my study is the visual use of material, where I will be looking at many photographers such as Vadim Steim, Sølve Sundsbø, and Craig McDean.

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