Monday 3 February 2014

Ekaterina Belinskaya - Underwater Shoot

Ekaterina Belinskaya

Under water shoot Idea - for the water element

model - Elena Mitinskaya
fashion designer - Alisa Gagarina

In reference to my water element shoot I have found this photographer who has taken some stunning under water photographs and video footage. An underwater shoot is something I have always wanted to try but would take a ridiculous amount of planning. I wanted to analyse this to understand how she has lit it. From what I can decipher she has lit it from above - probably with a boom stand - using a large soft box to give that soft, etherial and even glow over her skin and the material. She has also used a very good camera, which has managed to capture even the tiniest bubbles which float off of her body. It is just stunning overall imagery. 

It was interesting watching the moving image as it brought a whole new depth to the work, the movement of the material was really mesmerizing. It made me think about different shapes the material can make through the environment its in. I wanted to experiment in the studio by shooting the material separately.

These have all come out a lot darker than my original edit unfortunately but it was just an experiment to see the shapes I could create with the material. I have purposely included the outside of the set and some of the arms which are in the frame as a personal record of experimentation. 

It was really interesting to see the shapes that were frozen in a moment in time. The elements are all about movement and energy but what happens when you freeze their natural 

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