Wednesday 5 February 2014

Photo Shoot 6 - The Water Element

Photo Shoot 6 - The Water Element 

The first two images were completely experimental. The first was with help from Ian Reynolds again. This was just experimental to see how I could achieve the painting effect from the image. We looked at Joyce Tenneson and Paolo Roversi's work.

 Joyce Tenneson

Photoshop Experiment with Ian Reynolds

This was the experiment which I had help with from Ian Reynolds. It needs a lot more adjusting but I decided I didn't like the effect that was being created. I don't like images that are highly edited in Photoshop, I like to create the art in front of the camera rather than in post production.

My own edits



The image above was a very quickly done edit to see what it would have looked like if I filled the floor with the material. This image would look good if I was to try some graphical experiments with it.



Here I flipped the image upside down, I did this to resemble a water droplet. I increased the blue tones and added contrast. I felt like it was more of a different take on the image and would give the viewer more reason to look and wonder.

This is one of my favourite images, I love how the material has wrapped around her body along with her beautiful composition, she looks like a statue. One of the most inconvenient parts where I went wrong was to not ask her to take her band off, therefore I had to spend hours editing it out. The above image shows the before and after of where the band was.

These two images above and below are definitely one of the images I will use for my final water element. I absolutely love how the material has turned out. I bought the blue tape from The Playhouse, Nottingham. This place is brilliant from scraps of material and you only have to pay £5 for a year pass. The one thing when speaking to Jed, he mentioned how it would have been nice to have the material come up the right side of her body to match the composition of her arms. If I have time I plan to re shoot.

This is the image I chose to get printed at The Print space in London. It was the most detailed image out of the chosen finals and I loved how the baby oil has reflected the light off her skin. This is something I wish I placed on her from the start of the shoot. I'm really proud of this shot, and if I wasn't planning to print portrait ways, this would have been one of my final images in my exhibition. 

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