Sunday 16 March 2014

Earth Shoot

Earth Shoot

This is the final image I chose to print as my fourth element. Although there were a few images I really liked this one fitted with the set, compositionally and tonally, it was my strongest image. 
The one thing I would improve would be the way the material has gone. To me the material looked quite cheap and was difficult to style on the model as she was so tall so next time I will buy more material as a contingency plan in case this problem happens again. The one thing I do like about the material would be the way the light has strongly hit it and created sheer shimmers down the fabric. There is definitely a feel of mystery to the subject, they way her right hand is hiding slightly. This I am referencing to 'the day dream' painting, the mystery in the woman who holds the heart of two men; The Husband and The Artist. Her secret compell over these two men is impeccable and the work in my opinion represents that. Therefore I wanted to bring this character through the representation of the earth element, mother nature.  

Here are some other images from the shoot I really liked yet unfortunately they did not link with other three images due to the model being sat down.

When experimenting with the fabric, I wanted to see how I could wrap the string around her body to create a form/shape. It could have done with being pulled tighter. I havn't edited this image below much and I kept the outsides of the backdrop in the frame just to show this was purely experimental.

There is something very delicate about the image below. It is one of my favourites and it's a shame I couldn't have used it. There is something very painting-like about this image and if I put more  time into the post production I could have definitely pushed the aesthetics of this. I would have added more noise and other filters such as gaussian blur to increase the textures of the image and to almost create a canvas texture. 
After going to the print space it made me think about how I would have also printed an image like this one. I would have printed it onto German Etching paper which is inkjet and is more of an art paper.  

Here is a black and white edit which I thought was really stunning.

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